How to Choose Your New Mind Pattern
How do you get your new mind pattern? How do you choose a new thought to replace the limiting old thought?
Next are some clues to help you do this, to create your new mind pattern.
1. Be real, concrete, and comprehensive.
To do this, it means you must write it down exactly the way you want it. What new faith do you want to have? What attitude or opinion do you want to realize? What new mental habit or new useful pattern do you want to put in your life? What exactly are your values? What hopes will bring you to success? Who do you want to be? When you read your new mind pattern and the life vision that you want, what does the vision look like? Where are you living, and working? How do you feel? What do you see? Who is around you? What will it be like someday if you live with your new attitude, faith and new mind?
Start with writing, “I am very happy, and grateful now because…” Then continue to describe your faith, attitude, mental habit, values, and mind pattern exactly the way you want it.
2. Think beyond limitation.
Let yourself imagine the future and your attitude to yourself, others, and how the world works just the way you want it. Do not limit yourself to what you think you can get or think is realistic. Realize the life that you really want and let your imagation soar!
3. Write it down as if you are already experiencing it.
You cannot think with ‘someday’, or write ‘I will’. Write and experience it, just as if it happening at this moment, although the result is not yet realized. Write, for example, ‘I like making money and running a successful business, because it enables me to be generous to everyone else’. Give your subconscious a message that this reality is already in your life.
Remember, the subconscious receives everything that is given to it, without editing, censoring, or judging. If you write ‘it will happen later’, it will tell your subconscious that you don’t have what you want and you are not yet the person you want to be. When you say, ‘I will’, you are telling your subconscious that you are not.
4. Make your mind pattern emotional.
Besides writing in present tense, put in emotional words and be emotionally involved with what you are writing. Remember, feeling is the gateway to subconscious, and your subconscious is the true power behind your success. Emotion creates motivation. You have to be passionate. If you are not passionate with your new mind pattern, if you are not really in love with the new mind pattern, that mind pattern will not be shaped physically. Human passion will not invest its effort for something ordinary! If you are not full of passion after writing your new mind pattern, go back and do again with more emotion. When it truly moves you, you are ready to shape it into reality.
5. State what you truly want, not what you don’t want.
Our mind cannot process the word ‘no’. If I tell you not to think about ice cream, what will you think? At first, you must think about what I said not to think about before you can tell your mind not to think about it! Thoughts like these will make you pull in things that you don’t really want. So remember to state only what you do really want.
6. Be in the picture and mind pattern that you create.
You need to place your self in the picture of your mind pattern, not as an observer but as the actor. If you are seeing yourself in the picture as an observer, you are telling your subconscious it is not your true self, you are not really there. When you are really in the picture, you are feeling the emotion and the result you now have in your new life. You tell your subconscious, ’it is real!’ Your subconscious will start to create the reality. Picture it in your mind as if you are experiencing it directly.
When you start living based on your new mind pattern, you start to make different decision. You may start to contact new kind of people, and you pull a new environment into your life. The more times and the more passionate you put your mind pattern into your mind, the faster that mind pattern manifests.
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